Good vs. Evil: Why the world needs both and how your actions play a part!

You can’t have one without the other.

Latoya Irving
4 min readJan 31, 2024
Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

When you think of a good person, the type of person that may come to mind would be someone spiritual, thinks about what’s best for the other person, is always fair and just, exceptionally caring, and generally expresses good emotions within healthy and happy relationships, radiating unconditional love showing sympathy of heart.


When we think of people who are not so good and can be downright evil, we picture a person that has a jealous heart steeped in materialism, big pretenders to hide who they are, people who would never say they’re sorry about anything, manipulative, assigning someone else to make them feel happy, very savage and low vibrational, constantly feeling as though they are the ones always right and others are wrong in life.

However, …

The generally seen good people are not so much aware they have a dark side and vice versa. Not-so-nice people are, perhaps, capable of a better heart. These two forces of character are the same, and either side can be activated however one pleases. Believe it or not, these are equal balances of self. Still, whichever one you decide to feed — because, just like an animal, the power of good and evil can be physical and instinctive — it’s totally up to you.

Good vs. Bad — Spiritual vs. Evil exists within us!

It’s hard to believe, but there is a sense of balance in every person, place, or thing, says the law of duality. The only thing we need to do is accept the depths of our identities. Because the world needs this equilibrium, and so does its human occupancies.

Explain more about why this is?

Photo by Elizabeth Tsung on Unsplash

Take, for instance, the sun that gives us light and the moon that illuminates darkness — we need both elements of power. One to aid in our growth and the other to shut us down for healing in-between times.

The same is true for the forces of our personalities.

There’s one side to carry us through our spiritual journey, and the other brings challenges and lessons that slow us down, keeping us on the path of questioning why we all even exist and why we’re going through certain things.


Another Reason Why the World Need Both Forces

“Hey! You there! Yes, you. You need to wake up to who you are as a spirit.”

If things were 100% good and paradisaic, there would be no reason to notice a more profound mission on Earth. Have you seen that when someone or something upsets you, many feelings follow: you cry, get angered, feel sadness, and any other emotion that lingers inside — COMES BURSTING OUT!

We need this “liveliness,” the “over the edge” feeling for you to look around… and at ourselves for reasons and explanations. Any situation or reaction from someone that makes us upset is a good thing to question — however evil we may think the other person appears to be. This string of emotions behind the disappointment may teach you what needs work within yourself.

AND…How Will You Play Your Part

Photo by Inga Gezalian on Unsplash

Once we wake up — and look in the mirror for the first time at our inner beauty — we will notice how divine-like we genuinely are. Therefore, we will intuit our powers and purpose and instantly know how we will use our two-sided spirits within us as a yin-yang system. Too much of either persona is an imbalance. We should be operating with an equal mix of both.


We need the good, the bad, and the ugly. It helps to shape us on our path. Our lives have to be meaningful with a compass attached that gives direction. That compass points us to everyone we meet, good or bad, and steers us somewhere. The most important thing is knowing we need this and being ready to play our part in keeping the world balanced.


Don’t worry…I’ll be right back…to bring you more!

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